BJJ RPG Backend Demo

GitHub Code

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App Features:

  1. 1) User Authentication using JWT.
  2. 2) Full CRUD operations.
  3. 3) Many to Many relationship between models.
  4. 4) Exception Handling
  5. 5) Using Data Transfer Objects.


  1. 1) Was originally using Visual Studio Code as IDE, but some features were not availble yet, had to migrate to Visual Studio for Mac.
  2. 2) Creating the Many To Many relational datbase between Character and Moves.
  3. 3) Using DTOs was a new concept to me.

What I would do differently:

  1. 1) This is still a work in progress project.
  2. 2) I would like to add more features to the app.
  3. 3) I would like to create a game in Unity which calls on this backend API.