Devops CI/CD Demo

GitHub Code

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App Features:

  1. 1) Runs CI whenever changes to Develop branch is pushed to GitHub
  2. 2) Runs CICD whenever changes to Release branch is pushed to GitHub
  3. 3) CI workflow includes build, test and synk security scan.
  4. 4) CICD workflow includes build, test, build-and-push which deploys to heroku.
  5. 5) Build job builds a new Docker Image for it to be used.


  1. 1) CICD is relatively new, hence documents were not availble yet.
  2. 2) Figuring out the proper location of jar file when built.
  3. 3) When doing the security scan with Snyk, the version of H2 Database was outdated by no availble new version to update to.

What I would do differently:

  1. 1) Figuring out how to add a wrokflow to merge the develop and release branches together when pushed.