OwnFit Website Demo

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App Features:

  1. 1) User is able to click on items and add to cart or purchase.
  2. 2) Shows autoscroll "you may also like" carousell
  3. 3) Able to make payment with Stripe.
  4. 4) With Sanity.io, admin is able to easily add new products and change images/ text in hero banner.


  1. 1) Was using previous version of Next.js (Version 12)
  2. 2) First time trying out sanity.io, had to watch tutorials and read docs
  3. 3) Had to learn how to integrate Stripe

What I would do differently:

  1. 1) Use Next.js version 13 in the future for cleaner and easier code
  2. 2) If it was an actual e-commerce website, might use more standard backend like Django due to the pricing of sanity.io.
  3. 3) Could add user authentication for returning users.